History of Stratis Zogas

Rating of Stratis Zogas as a function of time

Game Balance of Stratis Zogas, sorted by Dates of Events
PlaceDate ↑SignificanceSurname PrenameRatingExpectedObservedNet Yield
Πάτρα2018-04-210.004340  SotiropoulosDimitrios1542 0.00046 0.00000 -0.00046
AnalitisGerasimos605 0.28866 0.00000 -0.28866
KogkasIoannis554 0.35470 0.00000 -0.35470
LazanasAkis463 0.48152 1.00000 0.51848
ChristodoulopoulosNikos371 0.61282 1.00000 0.38718
DouvrisAggelos233 0.78377 1.00000 0.21623
Πάτρα2017-12-210.002341  AmbatzisGeorgios616 0.27596 0.00000 -0.27596
KatsisGeorgios416 0.54993 0.00000 -0.54993
ChristodoulopoulosNikos371 0.61282 0.00000 -0.61282
DouvrisAggelos233 0.78377 0.00000 -0.78377
PapachrysanthouAlkinoos-283 0.99297 1.00000 0.00703


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